Snake AI

Greedy BFS finding a path from the snake's head to the food each time it eats.



This project showcases several pathfinding algorithms which I implemented for the sake of automating a game of Snake. I wrote the game in C++ using the FLTK library for graphics and user input. The following pathfinding algorithms are included:

  • A-Star
  • Greedy Best-First Search
  • Breadth-First Search
  • Depth-First Search


Each algorithm's search is drawn on the game field with the following color scheme:

  • Blue: Nodes which have already been explored (closed set).
  • Cyan: Nodes which are currently being explored (frontier/open set).
  • Red: The path selected by the algorithm.


The A-Star algorithm uses a heuristic function to evaluate nodes and prioritize them based on their goal distance and distance from the starting node.
Breadth-first search radiates outward in all four directions - it evaluates all of a given node's neighbors before proceeding outwards. This has heavy performance implications due to its poor space complexity.
Greedy best-first search works in the same manner as A-Star but with a different heuristic which only prioritizes nodes by their distance to the goal node. This can achieve similar results while exploring fewer nodes.
Depth-first search was included mostly as a curiosity since it's ill-suited to this sort of problem. DFS expands all nodes in a given direction from the current node before choosing another path. For this reason, it explores a lot of unnecessary nodes before finding the goal.

Continuous Search

After testing each algorithm for a while, I noticed that paths became more and more convoluted as the snake grew in length. This is because the snake's body becomes a moving obstacle for the algorithm to path around - the path it initially finds may become suboptimal as the snake's body moves out of the way.

To solve this issue, I added the option of re-running the path search on each frame. This allows the snake to re-evaluate its path as its body segments move, leading to better (shorter) paths at the expense of a lot of extra computation.

Repeated searching allows Greedy BFS to 'tighten' its original path around the snake's tail segments.


The program tracks various statistics about each run in order to allow for easy comparison of the different algorithms. This gives a better idea about the time and space complexity of each search and allows you to weigh the pros and cons of different shortest-path algorithms.

Statistics collected at the end of each run.

Compiling & Running

If you're using a Linux-based OS, check out the repository and use the included makefile. For Windows, follow these directions with the source code from the repository.

The above options work as follows:

  • Time Step (Seconds): The length of each frame in seconds (default 0.05).
  • Screen Width (px): The screen width in pixels (default 800).
  • Screen Height (px): The screen height in pixels (default 600).
  • Search Algorithm: The pathfinding algorithm used to guide the snake (default A-Star).
  • Repeat Search on Each Frame: Toggles whether or not to re-evaluate the snake's path on each frame.


I wrote this at a time when FLTK was the only graphical software I knew how to develop in. This library is not a great choice for this sort of work since it's actually a GUI toolkit (the snake segments are actually styled UI boxes!). A more relevant library such as SDL2 would have been a more reasonable pick. Hindsight is 20-20!
